Between the rivers Struma and Mesta, embraced by Mount Pangeo, the plain of Philippi and mountains of “Lekani”, next to an endless coastline, the prefecture of Kavala has a creative present and a lively routine. The natural environment is protected by international treaties: the Ramsar Convention of Nestos Delta. The area of the blue lake of the Nestos River is also included in the International LIFE Environment project. The Aesthetic Forest Amygdaleona, the peaks Paggeo, the Palaio Bay and the Eleutheron Bay, the river delta and lagoons of Keramoti are all belong to the NATURA 2000 Network. Six areas have been declared wildlife sanctuaries: the area of Saint Timothy-Kioupia, mount Pangaeum, the Nestos River strait, Kontzou Orman, Kestene Dag and mouth of Strymon River. A land wealth in Minerals: marble (70% of total exports marble of Greece derived directly or indirectly from the prefecture of Kavala), oil and other deposits. The Mount Pangeo, known in the ancient world for its gold today offers pleasure to the climbers, the naturalists, and the faithfuls, thanks to the historic monasteries. A land famous since antiquity for its wine. Seeds and grape marc have been found at the Neolithic settlement of Dikili Tash, near Philippi, which constitute the oldest evidence of winemaking in Europe. The mud baths of Krinidon, the oldest in Europe, are operating today providing exceptional service to their customers. The land of Dionysus, the musician Orpheus and the Orphic Mysteries. The land of the first European Christian of St. Lydia, who baptized the Apostle Paul in the river Zygakti.